To avoid unnecessary inconvenience, we recommend that you carefully read the documentation and the warranty section before using the device.

  1. The standard warranty for the device is 36 months from the date of first sale.
    During the specified period, free technical support and free repair of the product are guaranteed, subject to the Buyer's compliance with the operating conditions.

  2. The device and software presented on the official website are supplied as is, under the terms of the License Agreement. The Manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes to the device or software without notifying the Buyer. If the device is obsolete or no longer in production, it will not be replaced with a new device.

  3. This warranty entitles the Purchaser to repair the device free of charge in the event of defects in materials or workmanship.

  4. A device is accepted for warranty repair if it is necessary to have correctly executed documents: a warranty card indicating the serial number and model of the device, the date of sale, the stamp of the trade organization and the Buyer's signature, as well as documents certifying the purchase (cash receipt, invoice).

  5. This warranty does not cover:
    • periodic maintenance, repair or replacement of components and accessories;
    • use of non-original adapters or other accessories;
    • any mechanical damage, including wear of the printed circuit board;
    • defects resulting from any transportation of the device;
    • defects resulting from improper or careless use, as well as in the event of force majeure (including, but not limited to) accidents, natural disasters, fires, accidents, insects, foreign liquids, chemicals or other substances, radiation, flooding , vibration, improper ventilation, exposure to high or low temperatures, fluctuations, voltages, electrostatic discharges, including improper grounding, and other types of external influences and influences.

  6. The Manufacturer (or the Seller) is not responsible for any damage or loss associated with the use of the device or other devices connected to it, including economic and non-material losses, loss of profits, loss of income, loss of data, equipment downtime and lost user time, as well as direct, indirect, incidental or consequential losses and damages.